Mensa AG 2019

Because Science IS Funny!: The Big Bang Theory, Young Sheldon, and You (Room Encanto A)

05 Jul 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Something astonishing keeps cropping up on TV’s The Big Bang Theory and its highly successful spinoff, Young Sheldon namely, actual science. Though both shows are comedies, they’re peppered with real-life scientific references: Characters chat about cutting-edge and classical experiments; historic formulae adorn living room whiteboards; and famous techno-luminaries and science educators guest-star as themselves. So when did CBS become PBS? Science humorist Dave Zobel argues that the two hugely popular “funny nerd” shows fill a vital (if nontraditional) role in popularizing science: Their subtle celebration of scientific inquiry draws viewers into conversation about science, technology, math even philosophy. And that’s a gift to every science geek ... or science denier. This year’s presentation contains new material, including an attempt to answer the philosophers’ ancient query: Is it in fact true that the child-nerd is father to the man-nerd?