Mensa AG 2019

A Criminal Justice System in Ruins: Shackled Judges, Psychopathic Police, and Careerist Prosecutors (Room Deer Valley)

06 Jul 19
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Speaker

A unique behind-the-curtain look at the shocking state of U.S. criminal “justice” from the bestselling author of California: State of Collusion. Learn about psychopathic police, drawn to the power invested by We the People in law enforcement officers, who populate police and sheriffs’ departments in surprising numbers; prosecutors and District Attorneys from both rural and urban cities, who regularly collude with police and judges to circumvent Constitutional protections and enhance the “win records” that determine their career advancement; and look at judges behaving wretchedly by blindly ignoring untruthful police and law enforcement misconduct, of the most egregious sorts, to assure police union and other organizations’ electoral support. Author attorney Joseph Tully exposes institutionalized bedlam throughout the criminal “justice” system where shady jurists, scheming prosecutors, and police gone rogue constantly abuse the power with which we have entrusted them – with no accountability. For more information, email