Mensa AG 2019

Profits of Denial: Insurance Companies Adding Insult to Injury (Room Paradise Valley)

06 Jul 19
3:00 PM - 4:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

We rely on insurance companies to take care of our health, our businesses, and other risks when the worst happens. They use zany characters and friendly faces in their advertising, but there’s a very dark truth to the insurance industry. These companies are boosting profits by denying and delaying legitimate claims for any reason or no reason. With a focus on slithering past liability, the reality behind the talking lizards comes to life. Author Steve Hochfelsen (Profits of Denial) demonstrates the crisis with proven case after case from America’s courtrooms, of insured victims denied their coverage, dying from denied medical procedures, and having their family businesses shuttered forever when storm claims are denied. Hochfelsen spotlights an out-of-control industry with only nominal accountability and bloated profits. Companies are grown on the backs and often bodies of their victims. Considering an insurance policy? Here’s what to watch out for in the massive fine print. Is there hope? Is there a solution? Author Hochfelsen has some ideas for the Mensa audience to consider. For more information, email