Mensa AG 2019

The Dysfunction of the American Political System (Room Deer Valley)

06 Jul 19
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Norman Levine
The causes of the political crisis in the United States lie deeper than contemporary party confrontations. The causes lie in the structure of government created by the Constitution that founded a republic designed to preserve equivalence between the states. On the Senate level, due to population growth the states of Wyoming and California, today each has two Senators, while the population of California is 39 million and the population of Wyoming is 1 million. In the House, the total number of Representatives was set at 435 in 1925 and today remains the same, also ignoring population expansion. The United States is undergoing a demographic revolution. By 2044 the majority of the population will no longer be Caucasian but a composite of Latinos, Blacks, and Asians. Gerrymandering and voter repression are attempts to preserve Caucasian domination. No mention will be made of current political parties or officeholders. For more information, email