Mensa AG 2019

Hiroshima and the A-bomb, an Eyewitness Account (Room Valley of the Sun)

06 Jul 19
4:30 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Speaker

Speaker(s): Junji Sarashina
Mr. Junji Sarashina will talk about his experience as a hibakusha (atomic bomb survivor) and the “living hell” he lived through. Ironically, he was working in a munitions factory assembling anti-aircraft ammunition when the atomic bomb detonated over Hiroshima. After the bombing, he wandered the streets with some of his classmates for two days because they were unable to return home due to the fires and destruction. He will retell some of the vivid memories that he has from the hospital, his school, and wandering through the city, as well as his work to achieve the global abolition of nuclear weapons. For more information, visit or