CAPPO 2018

Procurement 2. 0 - Transforming Procurement Services at the City of Tucson (Room Sierra)

09 Jan 18
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
Many of our organizations have been "challenged to change" at some point in the past. But, did we really change?  Or did we make comfortable "adjustments" to our policies, programs and procedures? Work a little faster, enhance a website, increase a purchase threshold. While each of these are certainly worthwhile improvement for any organization, are they truly the types of transformational change that our agency, our community or our profession needs?   And who is it that determined which change should occur?  Us? The truth is, change...real hard. Transformational change takes a tremendous amount of effort, energy, support and courage. It’s a little scary….ok, a lot scary! And let's be honest, as a profession, procurement isn't known for BIG change. We aren't generally viewed as a dynamic function adapting quickly to meet demand and the changes around us, right? So, when Tucson was faced with serious economic, organizational and political changes, we had a serious challenge...and we turned it into a serious opportunity. This session will share our journey at the City of Tucson, our lessons learned, our future direction and how we are transforming procurement services.