Payments for Emobility (Room D201-D202, Elicium, Second Floor)

11 Jun 15
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Theme: Europe's Transitioning Power Sector, Theme: Urban Energy Integration - The Smart City

The power sector is struggling to find new business models for financing and enhancing their cash flow, while dealing with consumption side and engage the community. Rate of introducing disruption technologies and innovative business concepts in the power industry is accelerating and is inevitable. Utilities and relevant technology providers must prepare for a market plateau in smart meters penetration, which is expected to occur after 2018. While the electric power sector has historically improved its performance in providing reliable and affordable electricity, its basic operating models should concentrate now on (i) Creating a positive customer experience, to maintain ongoing customers' loyalty, which is also a crucial cornerstone to demand response success, (ii) Reducing cyber-attacks exposure, especially due to accelerated adoption of smart meters and smart grid technologies, which represent more opportunities for hackers and 'bad guys' to steal electricity, steal customers' payments details or worth - stealing our identity and even creating an outage lasting days or even weeks (we have learned lately that more than 1,000 utilities in the U.S. and Europe have had their computer systems compromised by malware). We'll present the latest and future (under development) innovative solutions that meet changing customer needs and expectations (part of them are already being demonstrated outside the EU), as well as economic, environmental, social and security aspects of the above issues. We'll also present cost effective and innovative solutions for executing secured real time payments (pay-as-you-go, pay-for-time, etc., which will be more relevant when more EV and electric bicycles will be in use, and when electricity as a service will become more popular), while solving privacy and security concerns, releasing utilities from invoices and collection and from protecting personal database from being hacked. Privacy and efficiency are nicely served.