NASS 2015 Annual Meeting

Section Specialty Track: Section on Robotics & Navigation: Do Robotics and Navigation Have a Place in the Evolving Health Care Environment of Value-based Purchasing? (Room W470B)

15 Oct 15
2:10 PM - 3:10 PM

Tracks: Surgical

Moderator(s): Chetan Patel, MD;

Moderator:     Chetan A. Patel, MD

Implementation of new technology is an essential step in improving outcomes and advancing healthcare. We must always weigh the cost of the technology against the potential benefits to decide which technologies are ready for implementation. In this symposium we will critically analyze the outcomes of navigated and robotic spine surgery based on the best quality evidence available. This analysis will be used to propose the value of these technologies and how they fit into today’s environment of value based purchasing.

Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Determine the evidence-based advantages and disadvantages of navigated spine surgery;
  • Recognize the evidence-based advantages and disadvantages of robotic spine surgery;
  • Analyze the cost-benefit ratio for implementation of navigation and robotic technologies in the operating room.


Looking Beneath the Surface: Navigated Spine Surgery Outcomes Based on the Highest Quality Evidence
Srinivas K. Prasad, MD

Looking Beneath the Surface: Robotic Spine Surgery Outcomes Based on the Highest Quality Evidence
Bawarjan Schatlo, MD

Do Navigation and Robotic Spine Surgery Have a Place in the New Era of Value-based Purchasing?
Eeric Truumees, MD