F76: Marketing and Sales for Fabricators (Room N201-N202)

18 Nov 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Forming & Fabricating , FORMING & FABRICATING, Job Shop Solutions

Outsourcing Selling - Maximize Effectiveness with Rep Networks
Attendees will learn about sales and marketing tactics with reps, leveraging synergistic products, selecting, recruiting & hiring the rep, partnerships & expectations, motivating representatives, good communication with reps, planning, pioneering & performance.
Charles Cohon - Manufacturers' Agents National Association

Internet Marketing for Industrial Companies
A detailed presentation on industrial internet marketing, website usability, and how to use data for continuous improvement. Real case studies will be shared.
Tim Doyle – TopSpot

The New Way to Market for Manufacturing
Manufacturers are facing a huge opportunity to gain market share and grow revenue if they can learn how to leverage modern marketing strategy, tactics, teams and technology. This presentation is about how to transform the marketing function from a small team of designers, writers and event coordinators into a revenue generating, strategic component of the manufacturing firm.
Bruce McDuffee - Manufacturing Marketing Institute