F86: Sustainable and Revenue Savings for The Job Shop (Room N201-N202)

The Hidden Profitability Killer: The Impact of Inventory Accuracy on Sales, Profits and Acquisition Valuation
This session starts with the basics of inventory management including what costs are tied to inventory, and why accuracy of the inventory is so mission critical. Discover the importance of implementing a cycle count program – and how cycle counting can enable your company to improve customer service, insure a more efficient operation, reduce inventory levels, achieve a higher return on your investment, eliminate physical inventories and save time in just about every department in your organization.
Bridget Lazlo - Guardian Business Solutions, Inc.

Beyond Energy Efficiency: Task Lighting in Manufacturing
Since task lighting is a necessity for machining, quality and inspection areas, it is critical to have the right tool for the job. Sustainable lighting solutions for cost saving, efficiency and quality will be covered in this session.
Mike Robinson - Big Ass Solutions

The Scrap Revenue Stream and Scrap Management - Choosing the Right Vendor and Maximizing Revenue
Maximize your scrap revenue by choosing the right vendor and find out how scrap is managed internally, how to upgrade material, paperwork for controls, understanding pricing, and more.
Thom Romer - Worthington Industries

Disruptive Working Capital Deployment: Economic Transformation of Coil Storage Warehouses from Square Feet into Cubic Feet
Hear strategies for storing nearly three-times the number of coils in the same area. Case studies focus on transforming a warehouse’s floor space footprint into a highly-efficient, cubic storage system, while dramatically improving safety and housekeeping.
Michael K. Baach - Philpott Rubber Company and Jim Ralston - COILPLUS Ohio, Inc.