F72: Lean Tools: 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization (Room N229-N230)

18 Nov 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: 3D/Additive Manufacturing, Forming & Fabricating , FORMING & FABRICATING, Job Shop, Lean, Management, MANAGEMENT

Lean Tools: 5S Workplace Organization and Standardization
Understand how the 5S system will help you correctly apply the lean techniques through making waste visible and supporting standardized work requirements, Learn the purpose behind each step and the criteria to evaluate how well each “S” has been implemented. Get a structured format to start using this technique right away in your organization in order to create a pathway for lean implementation. Be able to start the 5S practices and permeate that throughout the organization to make it part of your company culture. Be able to start the 5S practices and permeate that throughout the organization to make it part of your company culture.
Anthony Manos - 5S Supply