F82: Lean Principles: Working Together with Six Sigma and Case Studies on Transformation and Continuous Improvement (Room N229-N230)

Lean In to Continuous Improvement

All too often, the most overlooked questions when starting a process improvement project are “Why?” and “How?”  

A Lean philosophy and culture embeds these questions into daily thinking and decision-making by asking:

  • Why are we embarking on this project? 

  • How does this project build the business, serve the customer and/or develop people?  

Once answered, visionary companies carefully select the right tool(s) for the job in order to increase productivity, sales and market share. This presentation draws on this collective experience, explaining the value of Lean professionally and personally for individuals and their companies, explores the ways Lean and Six Sigma work together, and explains the role Lean Certification plays in pursuing a culture of continuous learning and improvement.  Our presenters will share background from of a soon-to-be released white paper on Lean, developed through a partnership with the American Society for Quality (ASQ), Association for Manufacturing Excellence (AME), Shingo Institute, and SME.  

Jeannine Kunz - Tooling U-SME and Anthony Manos - 5S Supply

Lean Epiphanies: A Collection of Case Studies on Continuous Improvement
Lean Epiphanies is a collection of 50 stories from the 1000+ kaizen (continuous improvement) events that the presenter has facilitated. This multi-media session will be a lively, engaging and entertaining combination of stories, cases studies and videos describing the 'Lean' journey of a wide selection of organizations.
Gary B. Conner - Gary Conner Consulting

Lean Journey: A Case Study
Learn how a welding and machining company went through the first three years of the journey; as a family-owned company with 450 employees and three plants. The instructors will use the lean transformation curve to demonstrate how the company went from learning to doing. Each year the senior leadership team uses the lean transformation curve to map progress. The presentation will begin where the company began, trying to keep pace with competitors and meet customers’ expectations.
Jeff Sipes - Back2Basics, LLC and Richard Steel, Jr.- Miller Welding & Machine