F92: Lean Principles: Transformation and Productivity (Room N229-N230)

18 Nov 16
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: 3D/Additive Manufacturing, Job Shop, Lean, Management, MANAGEMENT

Lean Alignment & Metrics
During this session, learn to define performance measures and gather data to specify the problem/opportunity in your operations. Coverage will include measuring ongoing performance to confirm sustainability and how to find opportunities to leverage the improvement learning across other processes.
Jeff Sipes - Back2Basics, LLC

Why Most Companies Fail to Create Successful Lean Transformation (and What to Do About It)
In this session, learn to recognize the different mistakes companies make and what systems to put in place to ensure your success. Learning points include: the top mistakes companies make when attempting to transformation, what transformation really is, the Transformation Curve™ and how to know what stage you are in along the curve, The Strategy Execution Engagement™ process and how to keep your team excited as you continue to improve your results, how to integrate best practices to ensure that you obtain and sustain results that thrill you!
Pete Winiarski - Win Enterprises, LLC

The Missing Element of Lean Manufacturing- Improve Productivity & Reduce Injury
This is actually a two part presentation: The first evaluates, creates, implements and maintains a customized injury prevention/productivity enhancement program, which has the worker as one with the equipment. The second is a system of communicating in such a way that new habits are truly embraced improving the corporate culture. This system produces a 100% success rate and the systems sustain them for years. The results are increased high-quality productivity, decreased waste and an average of 50% to 90% reduction in injuries.
Barry Carlin - Best Performance Systems