F85: Social Media and Branding 101 (Room N207-N208)

18 Nov 16
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Automation, Job Shop, Lean, LEAN, Management, Marketing & Sales Tools

Building a Differentiated Global Brand
Learn how global manufacturers can leverage marketing and global branding to increase their competitiveness, including in-depth case studies of two industrial manufacturers who have implemented customer insight studies, global rebranding and content marketing initiatives to improve top-line direct and distribution sales efforts. An additional examination of industrial marketing best-practices provides attendees with actionable takeaways for immediate and impactful marketing investment improvements.
Andrea B. Olson - Prag'madik Marketing

Enhance Your Online Presence & Drive Success Through Your Website and Social Media
This session offers a real-world perspective on how you can create a positive impression and maximize impact of your website and social programs, merge your marketing efforts together, and ultimately enhance results. Benefit from an interactive, hands-on approach that encourages actionable thinking relating to your brand and offers immediate takeaways that make sense in your market.
Nicole Wagner - Stevens & Tate Marketing

Using LinkedIn to Drive Amazing Manufacturing Leads
Few manufacturing/industrial marketers have tapped into the amazing power of LinkedIn to grow their business. This step-by-step walk-through will show real data on industries like yours. A guide on creating your own company-wide LinkedIn program to start leveraging this powerful platform right away will be provided.
Bill Sterzenbach - Upward Brand Interactions

Actionable Strategies Proven to Improve Marketing Results
This presentation will explores a series of proven principles and tactics designed to attract prospects in a crowded manufacturing industry. You’ll learn cohesive and integrated strategies that work in combination to create the ideal platform for enhanced success, specifically focused on inbound-driven techniques. Attendees will learn direct takeaways proven to push them ahead by pulling prospects in leadership & accountability.
Dan Gartlan - Stevens & Tate Marketing

Management Track Sponsored by: