F74: Workforce: Grant Funding and Relationships Between Employers and Schools (Room N209-N210)

18 Nov 16
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Finishing, FINISHING, Management, MANAGEMENT, Smart Manufacturing, Welding Fabrication, Workforce Development

Want It? Get It! Grant Funding Strategies
The strategies learned in this session will be on industrial and educational organizations. Attendees will learn how to position programs for grant funding through well-designed, well-written and highly competitive grant proposals. We will focus on current trends in grant funding for education, how to research organizations and approach funders, and provide funders with what they are really looking for. Learn how to incorporate evaluations into your grant proposal and also what's coming in 2017 in grant funding.
Sarah Evans - Lincoln Electric and Robert Visdos - Workforce Institute, Inc.

Closing the Job Gap: Demystifying Relationships Between Employers and Schools
Employers want and need to establish relationships with their local community and technical colleges in order to have a reliable training and recruiting resource, but they often don't know how to get started. This presentation will focus on practical advice from the point of view of educators that will help employers take the right steps. Giving guidance on all types of training, providing insight into how to define what you need, share ideas about pre-training assessment, and how to pay for the training you need.
Nicholas Graff - Dallas County Community College District and Stuart Templeton - Harper College

Workforce Development Track Sponsored by: