FDIC 2019

Be a Powerful Instructor Now! (Room 132-133)

09 Apr 19
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Tracks: Instruction/training

Powerful instructors who are subject matter experts in their fields are essential to an effective learning environment. So much more goes into being a successful teacher than just knowing the material. This workshop focuses on elevating average instructors to a higher level of teaching by helping them to focus on how they can become more passionate about their calling and to engage more with their students. Motivating and interactive video examples demonstrate the “teach-back” technique. The inductive teaching method is examined and demonstrated to show how it encourages participation and reinforces student observation and understanding. The importance of building critical relationships within a classroom environment is discussed, and participants are challenged to evaluate their effectiveness as instructors through self-assessment. Are you willing to evaluate yourself as an instructor and learn new skills?