FDIC 2019

The Rule of 3's: All Things Engine Through Algorithms (Room Sagamore 3-4-5)

10 Apr 19
1:30 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Firefighting

This program breaks engine work into functional “chapters.” Within each chapter, there are three basic choices. The program focuses on a “probability over possibility” model, creating a hierarchy within the choices. This creates algorithms based around the limit of variables and the creation of a working outline. The scope ranges from fire attack benchmarks to supply options and covers every aspect of engine company operations in between. This model lends itself to customization, making it as relevant and beneficial for rural fire departments as for urban departments. The course integrates the three major components of engine company work: fire behavior, hose and fire attack, and general engine company tactics. Emphasis is on integration of skills, problem solving, and promoting engine company work as a craft.