HR Tech 2018

TM4 | From Many to One: One Vision, One Governance, One Transformed Learning Experience (Room Lido 3105)

Bringing together 7 different LMS platforms is a daunting task. With over 55,000 employees and four independently run divisions in different vertical markets, Cox guided the organization with a common vision and strategy, resulting in what has been a turnaround for learning at Cox.  By strategically curating content, tightly aligning the system to internal needs, and establishing governance across all levels of the organization, Cox has had 83% of the entire employee population access the new Learn@Cox platform within the first 9 months, resulting in 520,000 enrollments.  Attendees of this session will understand the importance of creating a common vision not limited by what exists today but could be in the future, how an organization can be guided through large scale change and why governance at all levels of the organization must be considered in decision making. Finally, we look at how essential it is to keep the solution simple, elegant and most importantly meaningful to the organization and to the individual employees so that learning is not just a platform to access training but provides an experience or journey to support employees through their career progression.