HR Tech 2018

WI5 | Why Virtual Reality Is the Future of Learning & Development (Room Murano 3202)

You don’t have to look very long to find reports and studies that say there is widespread dissatisfaction with the learning function inside organizations around the world. A 2017 study found that 91% of learning & development professionals believe new approaches to learning and new technologies are needed. And as the workplace continues its rapid changes, the need to upskill and develop employees has never been greater. Enter virtual reality, which has become the solution to corporate learning’s problems. In its infancy, VR has drastically improved the way individuals learn and retain information. Some of the world’s biggest companies are turning to VR to train and develop their workforce — and are having success. Find out how employee training can be accelerated and improved upon using VR technology as you learn the science behind it and the data that proves VR to be a highly effective learning tool.