2019 Annual Meeting

Dorosin Memorial Lecture: Inside College Mental Health Services: Inconvenient Truths and Daring to be Different (Room Grand Ballroom)

31 May 19
12:00 PM - 1:15 PM

Tracks: Credit-AAFP-P, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-NASW, Credit-NBCC, Credit-PsyCE, Session Badge - Collaborative Care, Session Badge - Toolbox

CME:1  AAFP-P:1  CNE:1  CHES:1  PsyCE:1  NBCC:1  NASW:1  CPEU:1  

Collaborative Care, Toolbox

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Identify mental health needs, gaps and consequences.
  2. Compare an illness framework of collegiate mental health service to a collegiate wellness framework of service.
  3. Describe innovative collegiate mental health programming that supports a return on investment for the mission of higher education and students’ lives.

Program Abstract:
This lecture will overview the current challenging culture of college mental health services by examining the inconvenient truths of demand, resources and responsibility, as well as mission and money. Daring to be different means moving beyond an illness framework to one of wellness, diversity and resiliency to support students with mental health conditions to thrive and graduate. Examples of programs and universities who are disrupting “services as usual” will be highlighted as sources of inspiration for change.

This session is partially sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Stephan D. Weiss, PhD Mental Health Fund for Higher Education