2019 Annual Meeting

Immunization of Healthcare Professionals (Room Director's Row I)

31 May 19
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Credit-AAFP-P, Credit-ACPE, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Management, Session Badge - Leadership

CME:1  AAFP-P:1  CNE:1/1.0  CHES:1  CPEU:1  ACPE:1 (UAN-0025-9999-19-086-L06-P) 

Leadership, Management

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe vaccines that are recommended for healthcare professionals.
  2. Discuss considerations around serologic testing and suitable documentation for proof of immunity.
  3. Identify factors that influence healthcare professional’s acceptance of vaccines.
  4. Discuss the safety of vaccines and the risk of unimmunized in a healthcare setting describing healthcare associated outbreaks.

Program Abstract:
Recommendations for vaccination of healthcare professionals change as new vaccines are added to the immunization schedule. This session will cover a recent National Foundation for Infectious Diseases Call to Action on how to improve healthcare professional immunization rates, what documentation is acceptable for proof of immunity and how to talk to healthcare professionals who may be hesitant or misinformed about vaccine safety.

This session is partially sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Professional Nursing Fund.