NASS 2018 Annual Meeting

Section on Spinal Cord Injury: Controversies in Management (Room 403B)

Moderators: Karthik Madhavan, MD, Christoph P. Hofstetter, MD, PhD


The annual incidence of spinal cord injury from 2016 census is 17,000 each year, and about 282,000 of the current population is have a spinal cord injury. Average age is estimated to be 42, with 80% of them being male patients.


Despite tremendous advances in rapid resuscitation and stabilization of patients with acute spinal cord injury, transfer of patients with acute spinal cord injury to tertiary hospital centers in delayed fashion remains a concern. In addition, there are several aspects of spinal cord injury that have been quite controversial with respect to operative versus nonoperative management and timing of surgery. In this symposium, we present our experience with establishing urgent care for spinal cord injury.


Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Appraise their knowledge about latest nuances on acute spinal cord injury
  • Quote evidence-based analysis of timing of spinal cord injury;
  • Establishment of ideal community services for spinal cord injury to world class care for patients;
  • Optimal operative strategy for patients with spine fractures with normal neurological exam;
  • Prevention of delayed unexpected deterioration of spinal cord injury patients;
  • Application of physical therapy for conditioning of spine patients.



Bench to Bedside: Miami Project and Beyond
Barth A. Green, MD


Central Cord Syndrome: Timing of Surgery
Karthik Madhavan, MD


Updates in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
Yi Lu, MD


Brainstem Modulation of Inflammation in the Injured Rat Spinal Cord
Walter J. Jermakowicz, MD, PhD


Early Involvement of the Rehabilitation Team in the Acute Care Setting
Matthew W. Smuck, MD