POWER-GEN Asia 2018

Session 4b: Energy Storage Investment Analysis 101 Workshop (Room Garuda 10A, 1st Floor)

The last few years have seen battery storage emerge as one of the most exciting new business opportunities in the energy sector. Batteries are increasingly being viewed as the missing link that could enable economies to increase the role of renewable energy as a dependable power source. Energy storage technologies also provide a range of other valuable services.

As battery costs continue to fall, a growing number of commercial energy storage applications have been developed around the world and a new era of commercial-scale storage may be upon us. Although the bulk of the market growth to date has been in developed countries, there are new projects and big plans being developed in several Southeast Asian countries. However, there are many different energy storage applications, the viability of which is highly dependent upon local conditions including costs, market structure, regulatory regime and fuel supply.

The Energy Storage Investment Analysis 101 Workshop is designed to provide participants with a unique and pragmatic exposure to key commercial issues in this important space. The heart of the workshop is a skills session in which teams are given an Investment Case; a laptop pre-loaded with a financial model; and a set of supporting materials. Playing the role of an investment analyst, they are then asked to conduct analysis of the cases and make investment recommendations. Participants leave with the knowledge, skills and confidence to perform basic energy storage investment analysis.

Attendance to the workshop is free for any registered delegate but there are limited spaces available. To register your interest, please contact Samantha Malcolm at samantham@pennwell.com