Atlanta Pet Fair & Conference 2019

Demo: Understanding Short-Nosed Breeds and Their Special Needs (Room Kenyan Suite)

08 Mar 19
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker(s): Teri DiMarino
Anybody who has been in dogs for any period of time knows what a brachycephalic breed is. These dogs have short muzzles and broad heads and include such popular breeds as English Bulldogs, Boston Terriers and Shih Tzus, to name a few. These breeds come with their own set of issues that can cause problems, especially in the grooming process. They can have breathing problems, they do not handle heat well and those facial wrinkles need special care to keep them clean. Just washing the face of one of these breeds can be a challenge! Teri will focus on some of the problems unique to these breeds and how we can overcome these issues in the salon, sending out a clean, well-groomed dog with a sweet looking and smelling face.