2019 NSC Congress & Expo

76 - Safety Leadership During Uncertain Times: Elevating Focus, Decision-Making and Injury Prevention (Room 31A)

10 Sep 19
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Mgmt. Ldrship., Empl. Engmt. & Cltr.

Ultimately, safety – and safety leadership – entails anticipating and preparing for potential risks. And in organizational reality, “certainty” is an illusion – everything is uncertain. But to avoid getting blindsided – and experiencing mounting injuries and eroding culture – wise leadership relies on avoiding and reducing potential uncertainties rather than on merely reacting to emerging problems. This comes down to strong leadership, at the core of which is taking care of “people” issues first. In this session, we’ll discuss contributing factors, hidden kinds of uncertainty, understanding the stress-safety link, changing beliefs, high-level strategies, and principles and practices for leading through uncertainty.