HOW Design Live 2019

How To Get And Keep Media Attention (Room E450a)

09 May 19
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Creative Freelancer, Health Care/Pharmaceuticals

When it comes to growing your brand or business, launching a start-up, and becoming known for what you do—media is a game changer. While you’re busy bootstrapping your business, how can you get the attention and interest of producers, editors, and bloggers? How can you make your work, your passion, and your expertise compelling to the media—and everyone who consumes it? You need to understand what the media wants, and how to give it to them.

Join media veterans Paula Rizzo and Terri Trespicio for a crash course on how to crack the media code and craft the pitch that gets you attention. Bring your ideas, your ambitions, and a notebook, and strap in for a fast-paced session that will change the way you see your business—and your potential. 

Key takeaways:

  1. An inside tour of the media industry and how it can boost your visibility
  2. Learn the blind spots that experts and even PR pros miss when it comes to connecting with the media
  3. How to position yourself and your business for the media