FETC 2020

C129 | Tools and Content Collide: The Next Generation Curriculum Emerges (Room Lincoln Road C)

16 Jan 20
11:00 AM - 11:40 AM

Tracks: Future of EdTech Administrator

The evolution of content delivery tools has forced education to re-evaluate how it assesses, leverages, and delivers instruction. The e-reader and the online video have paved the way for ed tech tools that interweave content with creation allowing for just-in-time reflection, iteration, and thinking made visible to demonstrate understanding. This new world has education scrambling to adopt pedagogy that fits this new mold and adopt assessment strategies that are both accountable and scalable without smothering the innovation. Join us for an in-depth look at how the future of ed tech will spend its time together in a world of AR, VR, and AI. Endorsed by Future Ready