KBIS 2020

Capturing Lightening in a Jar - How To Make Your iPhone, Camera and Videos Shine (Room N228)

23 Jan 20
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Grow Your Business

Everyone has a camera. With a smart phone, you have the capability to capture images, live stream, video and more! But having a powerful tool at your disposal and having the ability or the confidence to use it – are two entirely different things. We’ll break down the basics of good videos and photographs for personal branding or professional marketing use. We’ll also give you checklists for improving your photography, video and live streaming of rooms, events, people and products. We're sharing our top tips and secrets for making our clients look good online in social media, blog posts, content and more. Even if you just want to know how to photograph your pets – this is a session with lots of great takeaways from one non-professional photographer to another. (Full disclosure - people pay me to take photos and videos and travel all over the world to do it. But even at my level – there are really great companies and professionals we work with to do the “good stuff”.) We’ll help you avoid all the mistakes we’ve most likely already made – and of course when to call in the real pros. and artists.

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)