2019 California Cannabis Business Conference

Psst...Cannabis Can Be Fun!: Marketing Lifestyle Consumption Beyond the Clichés (Room Seaside Ballroom A)

09 Oct 19
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Regulatory Compliance, Advocacy and Community, Seed to Sale

In recent years, cannabis product development and marketing have shifted heavily toward premium and wellness messaging, with significant focus on the use of cannabis products for therapeutic reasons like sleep and stress relief. This has been a positive development for the industry and for the public perception of cannabis. But not everyone is a “wellness” consumer. Believe it or not, some people consume cannabis because it’s fun!

Consuming cannabis as part of a social lifestyle isn’t new. But, even as cannabis wellness messaging has undergone extensive evolution, marketing and messaging to social cannabis consumers has frequently stayed mired in counterculture, “stoner” cliches. This session will use research, data, and front-line experience to examine how to reach, influence, and grow an audience of mainstream lifestyle consumers in the modern era.