PWX 2021

Leader Under Construction (Room 222)

30 Aug 21
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Leadership

Since the boom in the first decade of this century collapsed into the great recession, the public works industry has seen a mighty blow to its workforce and resource levels. While the recovery is underway and in full swing, a large number of capable personnel have left the industry never to return. Now more than ever, the public works industry needs good leadership. That doesn’t mean people with lots of experience who ascend to higher positions in our organizations because it’s their turn either. It means people who are willing to lead, no matter their position or title. Leader Under Construction examines a variety of key characteristics, skills and attributes a good leader must have or develop, relating those to the development of a construction project. Participants in Leader Under Construction progress through their leadership development from what makes for a solid leadership foundation, through the things a leader must do to form/frame themselves properly, finally moving into the finishing touches that ensure a leader stays sharp. Foundation, Forming/Framing, Finishing. Just like a building, a roadway, or a pipeline, you can’t stand the test of time if each step of the process isn’t done right. But that isn’t the end. Just like a construction project, once a leader is built, they must maintain those attributes and skills if they want to continue on in peak condition. Maintenance isn’t just for pavement. Attendees at this session will be challenged to create a leadership development plan. The foundation for this plan will be discussed during the presentation, but it will be up to each person to form/frame and finish it on their own! Good leadership starts with self-leadership, and developing better leaders creates stronger, more productive, more profitable organizations. Become a Leader Under Construction and start your journey toward good leadership.