PWX 2021

A Better Response Than "Winter is Coming" for Citizen Traffic Safety Concerns (Room 240)

01 Sep 21
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Tracks: Transportation

City and County engineers often receive requests, complaints, and suggestions from citizens about traffic safety (new pedestrian crossing warning technology, intelligent transportation systems, bikeable/walkable communities). The 2018 APWA Exceptional Performance in Journalism-awarded guidebook provides local agency staff with a best-practice approach to positively addressing citizens’ common requests for traffic safety concerns without just saying “no.” The guidebook offers practical, easy to use tips on listening to citizens and having an open dialogue to identify the core problem while engaging citizens in the process and apprising them of the plan of action. Although the document was developed using guidance and firsthand experience from Minnesota local agencies, the methods and message is applicable to agencies, regardless of size, across the nation.