PWX 2021

The Closed Skunk Creek Landfill Gas Quality and Quantity is Declining--What to Do? (Room 240)

The Skunk Creek Landfill served portions of the City of Phoenix disposal needs from the 1970's until 2005. This landfill is located on almost 640 acres and is divided into 4 quadrants that are separated by the ephemeral Skunk Creek Wash and Happy Valley Road. Portions of the landfill (Cells 1, 2 and 3) predate Subtitle D and were constructed without flexible membrane liners. Cells 4, 5 and 6 were constructed with HDPE/GCL liners and a leachate collection system. Since opening in the 1970's, residential, small businesses, Department of Corrections, a city park, and a local high school have moved into the neighborhood. The Gas Collection and Control System includes 269 LFG wells, 100 sumps and four flares located in two separate flare stations. The two flare stations are located almost one mile apart. The Flare Station 2 services the oldest portion of the landfill and the methane content and flow are decreasing as the waste ages. City of Phoenix staff working with our gas consultant began investigating various options to accommodate the declining gas flow and methane content. The solutions included: intermittent Flare operation; supplemental propane; granular, activated carbon absorption to control odors; and jumper header. This solution will save the City of Phoenix over $4 million dollars in expense and operations and maintenance over a 10-year period.