Managing Stormwater Quality in an Urban Park Setting: City+Arch+River Project - St. Louis, MO
(Room 275)
30 Aug 21
8:00 AM
8:50 AM
Water Resources: Stormwater
The goal of the City+Arch+River (CAR) project was to invigorate the Arch grounds and the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Park (Gateway Arch Grounds) by improving accessibility to everyone and expanding the park grounds and museum. Improvements included safe access from the city, creation of new spaces for events and public education, expanded museum space, additional park acreage and bicycle trails, children’s play areas, performance venues, and a lively, invigorated riverfront where locals and tourists alike will find new opportunities to learn, linger, and enjoy one of the world’s most recognizable icons. As part of the design team, CDI worked with Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc. (MVVA) to design and manage the stormwater improvements for the park grounds, which included stormwater management and water quality design elements. While redesigning the landscape and accessibility of the Arch grounds, the overall stormwater design needed to meet the federal water quality requirements per Section 438 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA), as well as the review and approval requirements of the Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District, the local stormwater permitting and sewer agency. Additionally, stormwater quality efforts were incorporated into the design to improve the quality and visibility of the existing reflecting ponds at the Arch grounds, which prior to the reconstruction were collectors of the large volume of stormwater run-off from the park grounds.