PWX 2021

Flood Risk Mitigation Takes Time, Money, and Cooperation: A Story of Persistence (Room 220)

31 Aug 21
3:00 PM - 3:25 PM

Tracks: Water Resources: Stormwater

This presentation covers the highs and lows and stops and starts of a real-world flood mitigation project in Lincoln, Nebraska. This project, while extremely beneficial and cost effective, hit seemingly every major roadblock possible. With perseverance, strong local leadership, and a little bit of luck, the project was recently constructed. This presentation outlines the project’s path through deficiency identification, alternative development, identification of funding, public involvement/education, final design, property acquisition, and ultimately, construction. This flood mitigation project addresses significant flooding that caused structural damage to dozens of commercial and industrial properties. The session reviews the project development during preliminary drainage analysis (2010), detailed analysis, project development and Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application (2013), final design and updated 2-D Hydraulic modeling and right-of-way acquisition (2016-2017) and construction (2017-2020). Throughout the life of the project, many potentially project-ending road blocks were encountered such as: lack of funding in 2013 when original FEMA grant application was submitted, a highly politicized project, a challenging project site with limited room for construction, private property encroachment on city easements, private property access, truncated design schedule for complicated project, USACE permitting challenges, private/public utility and street conflicts, and a FEMA funding delay due to hurricanes in 2017. This presentation traces the successes and setbacks of this particular flood mitigation project, and demonstrates the value in persevering through challenges. The total project is currently estimated at $5.35 million and provides an estimated benefit of $10.8 million for a Benefit Cost Ratio of 1.99.