PWX 2021

Critical Pump Station Replacement Goes Design-Build to Fast Track Project Schedule and Save Costs (Room 276)

Missouri American Water Company is a major water supplier in the St. Louis metro area and at the center of the distribution system is one of the most critical pump stations not only in Missouri, but in the entire American Water network—the Stratmann Pump Station. The Stratmann Pump Station was originally constructed in 1926 with an expansion in 1954. Because of the critical nature of the station, its age and condition, and an inability to get replacement parts for much of the equipment, Missouri American Water Company elected to replace the pump station in its entirety as quickly as possible. The design and construction of the new pump station was developed with a focus on reliability, operations, redundancy, and flexibility with significant input from Missouri American staff. After utilizing the combined expertise of both an engineer and contractor for the planning phase and to develop a conceptual design, the Design-Build project delivery system was used to design, permit, and construct the new 70 MGD pump station. This approach allowed for design and construction to be conducted quickly, developing many separate construction packages in a sequence that facilitated keeping the existing pump station and two 11 million gallon storage tanks operational, and to also to acquire 18 permits and construct the pump station in a critical path. Continuous communications between the Design-Build team and the Owner allowed for modifications to the original concepts and valuable Owner input throughout the entire project, allowing Missouri American to prioritize and optimize the improvements while maintaining the project budget.