BOMA 2019

TUESDAY KEYNOTE: Release the Wonder of Commercial Real Estate (Room Salt Palace, Ballroom E-J)

Release the Wonder of Commercial Real Estate: Lessons Learned from Disney U and The House of Wonderful
In a world consumed with everything that's coming next, savor this revitalizing moment of bringing magic and wonder back to life in the here and now! Doug and Peter bring a treasure-chest brimming with ideas that will stir your curiosity, spark your creativity and cheer your determination—all to make the culture and values of your commercial real estate business buzz with a good dose of joy and difference. You'll take away ideas to enhance your service levels, improve tenant satisfaction, enrich your brand, and ensure that everyone across your team feels happy and inspired to deliver one-of-a-kind customer experiences—the very foundation for business growth and prosperity. A happy culture, with a healthy bottom line—Disney has been "standing out" for over half a century. So can you!