2019 NSC Congress & Expo

118 - Beyond Unsafe Behavior (Room 32B)

11 Sep 19
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tracks: Risk Reduction and Management

“Unsafe acts are the cause of most incidents in the workplace.” We all can point to incidents in which, “If someone had only done something different …,” “If they had followed the procedure …,” “If they had not made a mistake …,” the incident wouldn’t have happened. So we spend a lot of time dealing with errors, using various programs to manage unreliable people. However, the idea that “unsafe acts are the cause of most incidents in the workplace” is also one of the biggest myths of the safety profession. This session will discuss common beliefs regarding unsafe behavior, showing that not only is this belief regarding behavior incorrect, it could be harmful. You’ll learn new ways to understand behavior and optimize human performance.