2019 NSC Congress & Expo

Leadership Keynote "Aligning to Velocity: Mitigating Safety Risk in the Era of Acceleration" (Room Ballroom 20)

We have a new vocabulary! Self-driving cars, 3d printing, crowdfunding, the sharing economy, blockchains, personal drones, swarm-bots, smart dust, vertical farms, the Internet of Things, cognitive computing, smart factories, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, quantum computing, intelligent farms, smart clothing! Whoah! What seemed to be science fiction just a few short years ago has become a reality today, as time compresses and the future accelerates.

Take a voyage with Futurist Jim Carroll into the world of tomorrow, today, as he outlines the key trends, technologies, ideas and initiatives that are transforming our world around us at hypersonic speed. A world in which the speed of change impacting every company and every industry is increasingly driven by the speed of technology and Silicon Valley hyper-innovation. One that demands faster innovation, agile response, flexible strategies, and most important, the ability to ‘think big, start small, scale fast.’  

And no doubt a future that involves the emergence of faster, new more complex and unforeseen issues of accelerated risk! We are now in a world which involves the rapid emergence of new risk and safety issues, demanding a culture and capability by which align to fast change, not to mention deep and transformative challenges to established structures of regulatory management. 

For the last 25 years, Jim Carroll has been speaking to and advising some of the worlds largest organizations on the trends that will impact them. With a client list that ranges from NASA to Disney, the Swiss Innovation Forum to the National Australia Bank, Johnson and Johnson to Godiva Chocolates, Jim has had a front row seat to the massive change being encountered in industries worldwide, and deep insight into the leadership mindset of organizations as they adapt to the era of acceleration. 

In just a few short years, it will the year 2025, and the world of tomorrow will be your reality of today. Are you ready for what comes next, with a risk and safety management strategy that aligns to the faster evolution of new trends today?