VenueConnect 2019

The True Power of Diversity: Bringing Out the Best in Others By Bringing Out the Best in You (Room MPCC - North Building - Level 2 - N226)

24 Jul 19
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: All Venues, Diversity & Inclusion

In this breakout session, Sociologist, best-selling author, lecturer and now clothing designer, Bertice Berry, PhD., will provide an application of diversity for bringing one’s best to whatever they do.

After suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury, Berry found her world upside down. Not knowing if she would be able to function at her normal capacity, Berry set out to find ways to become better than she was. “I didn’t just want to be my old self, I wanted to be more compassionate, purposeful and productive.” This was a tall order because, during that time, Berry could not read, drive or even listen to music.

Using a true approach to diversity to find tools for recovery, Berry found that while she was not able to do some of the things she’d done in the past, she discovered within herself, abilities and talents that she had no idea she possessed. By using these gifts, she became more involved in her community and much more productive in her life work.

This session will provide tools and knowledge for the following discoveries:

• What is diversity and how can it be applied to problem-solving?

• What tools lie within your hidden self?

• What are your hidden skills?

• What do you truly love?

• How can you use these abilities to make your community, work, and home-life better?