2019 Annual Meeting

Creative Approaches for Funding and Delivery of College Campus Health and Wellness Services (Room Grand Ballroom 2)

CME:1.5  CNE:1.5  CHES:1.5  MCHES:1.5  NASW:1.5  CPEU:1.5  AHIMA:1.5  CHWP:1

Leadership, Management

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe the OSU-Cascades service model for healthcare using community clinics and resources.
  2. Compare the benefits and consequences of using referral health services for a college.
  3. Define potential steps in a grant process in an integrated health care approach.
  4. Identify potential partnerships in their community.

Program Abstract:
Often, our fiscal budget leaves us with larger gaps than we want. With enrollments down across the country, many colleges have had to get creative to meet student needs. Hear from two schools who have utilized atypical funding methods to secure health and wellness services for their students. Take time this session to think outside of the box in terms of funding streams, collaborations and partnerships.