2019 Annual Meeting

Leadership Resiliency for College Health and Wellness Professionals (Room Majestic Ballroom)

31 May 19
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: CHWP Elective, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-MCHES, Credit-NASW, Management, Session Badge - Leadership, Session Badge - Toolbox

CME:1.5  CNE:1.5  CHES:1.5  MCHES:1.5  NASW:1.5  CPEU:1.5  CHWP:1

Leadership, Management, Toolbox

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Explain the value and importance of leadership resiliency as this relates to our success as college health professionals.
  2. Discuss current literature and key frameworks and models in supporting leadership resiliency.
  3. Identify personalized strategies to support leadership resiliency moving forward.

Program Abstract:
Attention to student resiliency and well-being has increased on campuses around the country in response to high levels of self-reported stress impeding academic success. Similarly, leaders within comprehensive college health programs are facing more complex challenges, including uncertain fiscal environments, competition for resources, staff conflicts and other issues increasing the potential for overwhelm and burnout. Through conversation and review of relevant frameworks and models, this session will explore and illuminate leadership resilience and well-being as a foundational component for success within college health leadership.