2019 Annual Meeting

Understanding Your Competitive Advantage (Room Director's Row H)

31 May 19
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: AHIMA, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-NASW, Management, Session Badge - Leadership

CME:1  CNE:1  CHES:1  NASW:1  CPEU:1  AHIMA:1  

Leadership, Management

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Discuss the core concepts of competitive strategy.
  2. Discuss the core concepts of competitive advantage.
  3. Describe how to analyze value creation of successful businesses/industries.
  4. Discuss how lessons from outside industries are relevant to college health.

Program Abstract:
The healthcare industry continues to face disruptive forces. College health is not immune to these disruptors but is often ill equipped to adequately address these forces. Understanding the concepts of competitive advantage and competitive strategy is critical to the sustainability of your healthcare organization. This program will: Discuss how to identify your health services' competitive advantages and communicate them to critical stakeholders; Discuss how to implement a competitive strategy; and Analyze value creation of successful businesses and translate those successes to healthcare.