WOCNext 2019

(401) Bariatric Care Across the Continuum: Pediatric, Adolescent, Transitioning to Adult Care (Room Grand Ballroom A2)

This session will have three speakers focusing on different aspects of care of the pediatric and adolescent bariatric patient. First Dr. Prout will discuss the medical management of childhood obesity, second Ms. Stellar will present common skin and wound concerns in the pediatric and adolescent bariatric patient, and lastly Dr. Bishop will present common the psychosocial aspects of childhood obesity. 

Part 1
This section will explore the medical management of bariatric care in the pediatric and adolescent patient, including diagnostic work-up, diet, medications, and indications for surgical interventions.

Part 2
This section will discuss common skin and wound concerns in the pediatric and adolescent bariatric patient including dressings and products for care.

Part 3
Adverse childhood experiences can influence obesity. How do these experiences shape child into adulthood? This section will focus on psychosocial considerations of obesity and how early experiences give shape to obesity.