Western Roofing Expo 2020

Attracting and Retaining the Talent You Need with a Winning Culture (Room Champagne 1)

10 Jun 19
10:15 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Business, Human Resources, Industry Issues, Leadership, Low Slope, Steep Slope

Our consulting firm is working with two of the most successful roofing contractors in the Pacific Northwest. The course will share information on using organizational culture an intentional strategy for hiring and keeping talent. We will share the use of the Denison Culture Survey tool in an interactive session with time for Q&A at the end of the session. Mark Carpenter, President and Founder of Columbia Roofing and Sheet Metal will co-facilitate with myself, CEO and Founder of New Legends Now, operating out of Portland, Oregon and Seattle, WA. We will offer some good culture and performance materials for attendees to take home with them.