Western Roofing Expo 2020

Hunter Panels - Exhibit Floor Demo (Room Demo Stage)

10 Jun 19
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Tracks: Live Demonstration, Low Slope, Safety, Steep Slope

TITLE: Learn how to put more money in your pocket with Hunter Tapered PreCut Products.

DESCRIPTION: In this session we will show you the benefits of preassembled Hunter Polyiso Hips and Valleys, Target Sumps and Hinged Target Sumps versus the Field Fabricated alternatives in a typical tapered polyiso system. Learn how you can reduce field labor and waste costs while retaining the ability to have flexibility at the drains so your tapered design is not compromised.  Our tapered experts have combined over 80 years of experience and they will teach you some new tricks to put money in your pockets.