2019 Nursery/Landscape Expo

Financial Management - Using Your P&L to Effectively Run Your Business - McFarlin Stanford (Room 302 AB)

08 Aug 19
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

How do you utilize a dashboard that matters? The scorecard in business starts with your Profit & Loss statement! This session will provide the information owners and leaders need to make educated decisions rather than ones made by how much cash is in the checking account. We will work through a case study together to demonstrate how everyday decisions should be made based on your P&L and how big of an affect they can actually make! And by understanding your P&L, you will comfortable sharing your P&L with your teams – as they have the biggest affect on it. Join us for an interactive meeting that you are sure to walk away with the items you need to know! Room 302 AB

CEUs Available: 1 TNLA