Eastern Energy Expo 2019

100% Renewable Low Carbon Fuel (Room Empire AB)

22 May 19
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM

Tracks: Business Track

Low Carbon fuels are quickly becoming the most coveted liquid energy on the West Coast of the United States due to California’s LCFS program. There are also new and emerging Low Carbon Fuels Standard proposals in other regions of the United States as well as in Canada. Today, blends of 80% Renewable Diesel blended with 20% Biodiesel are being consumed in fleets, long haul transports and municipalities on the West Coast at demand levels that make it difficult to produce and supply enough renewable fuels for these markets. 100% renewable, Low Carbon liquid fuels for transportation use are today’s reality; they require no engine modifications to the diesel engine and are currently sold at lower pricing per gallon at the rack than traditional ULSD.  

Veteran renewable fuels expert Michael Devine from World Energy will provide us with his insights on the evolving and expanding landscape of Low Carbon Fuels throughout the United States and the opportunities to come for their use on the East Coast.