Out of the Blue: Exposing the Effects of HEV Light (Room C205)

It is estimated that Americans spend more than 50 hours out of an 186 hour work week - or approximately  10 hours per day on smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions. And both the number of devices and hours spent on them  is rapidly increasing according to a Neilsen study featured on CNN. At any given moment in any direction, we can see the influence of electronic devices, and what is referred to as “blue light”or HEV. The blue glow from our televisions may be emitting a glow of ambiance, but the glow may also be giving us more than what we anticipate. HEV (high energy visible light emission) is emitted from the sun as part of the visible light spectrum and other sources from electronic watches to video games to television screens. It is the emissions from these devices that is increasingly causing health concerns. This presentation will explore the emissions and sources of HEV, parameters of exposure, effects on the human body, effects on the skin and what precautions may be taken to prevent oxidative damage, minimize exposure risks, and how take action on supportive skin measures.