2019 Annual Meeting

Update from the ACHA Outsourcing Task Force (Room Vail)

29 May 19
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: AHIMA, Credit-AAFP-P, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-NASW, Management, Session Badge - Leadership

CME:1  AAFP-P:1  CNE:1/.10  NASW:1  CPEU:1  AHIMA:1  

Leadership, Management

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Define the terms outsourcing,co-sourcing, and management services.
  2. Identify potential pitfalls in the discussion of outsourcing.

Program Abstract:
The Outsourcing Task force has been working for two years on guidelines and advice relating to Outsourcing. This presentation would review our paper and answer questions.