2019 Annual Meeting

Best Practices on Improving Campus Student Influenza Vaccination Rate (Room Governor's Square 10)

29 May 19
1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: AHIMA, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Management, Session Badge - Measurement, Session Badge - Toolbox

CME:1  CNE:1/.10  CHES:1  CPEU:1  AHIMA:1  

Measurement, Management, Toolbox

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Identify current influenza vaccine issues and barriers to vaccination.
  2. Identify current best practice vaccination success stories on campuses from current research.
  3. Discuss current methods to improve vaccination rate on campus.
  4. Identify what is working currently on campuses.

Program Abstract:
The Center for Disease Control recommends an annual influenza vaccine for all persons over 6 months of age; yet, a disappointing rate of only 26 % of adults over 18 and 40% of college students vaccinate for seasonal influenza. These rates are far from the 70% target set by the government’s goal for Healthy People 2020. Without vaccination, young adults risk illness and campus wide school outbreaks with serious academic consequences. Providers must contemplate the multitude of variables influencing students around vaccinations and re-think how to promote vaccines on campus. Discussion will include best practices survey of college health services for vaccine promotion, and quality improvement projects that influence students’ influenza vaccine rate on campus.